tom sawyer paints the fence牛津英语九年级下的英语课文谁有全文?积分送上!


tom sawyer paints the fence牛津英语九年级下的英语课文

Characters: 1. Aunt Polly
���������2. Tom Sawyer
���������3. Ben Rogers
���������4. Billy Fisher
���������5. John Miller
���������6. David Brown
���������7. A girl
�Scene 1: Saturday morning Everything is bright and fresh. Every boy in town was happy.
Girl:� Tom!
Tom :��� Oh! You scared me!
Girl:����� Sorry! But what a nice Saturday!
Tom:��� Yeah! The sun is warm and bright. The air is fresh.
Girl:����� And we don’t need to do any work. We can go out to play.
Tom:��� Yes! Let’s go.
Aunt Polly:� Tom!
Tom:��� No joking!
Aunt Polly:� No joking? Don't joke on me!
Tom:��� Oh sorry Aunt !
Girl:����� What a pity! Tom is a fourteen-year-old boy. He is very clever and friendly so the boys in this town are all his friend. Because he is �naughty his aunt is always strict with him.

�John Miller:��� Hey! Guys! Let’s go and find Tom! Then we can laugh at him!
�Ben Rogers:�� That is a good idea!
John Miller:���� But we must decide who is going to be the first.
Billy Fisher John Miller� David Brown :You?
Ben Rogers: No no.
John Miller: What about you?
Billy Fisher: No.
John Miller : ��I think you……
David Brown:� I cannot do this.
John Miller: What do you mean? me?
���������������������No no!
���������������������But we have to find a fare way to decide it. What about “paper scissor stone”?
Ben Rogers: Ok. paper scissor stone!
�������������������Why it’s me?
Billy Fisher: Let’s do it again! paper scissor stone! Oh bad luck!
John Miller David Brown : And we can do it together! Let’s go.
Scene 2: On the sidewalk
Aunt Polly:� Tom! It is Saturday today. And it is warm and sunny isn’t it?
Tom: ������Yes it is.
Aunt Polly:� So it’s a wonderful day to paint the fence. Tom here is the brush and the paint. Finish the work before it gets dark. Don’t waste any time playing. Get to do it right now. I’ll come back to check out your work late in the afternoon.
�(Tom holds the brush in the hand and looks at the fence. He feels depressed. Then he dips the brush in the paint and paints a corner of the fence. Then he stands back and looks at it)
Tom: �����Oh my God! It was 30 yards long and 3 yards high. How can I finish the work before it gets dark?
(Tom sits down under a tree and has a rest)
Tom:����� How I wish I could go to play the marbles and fly the kites with the other boys! Ai …Soon they will come along and make fun of me.
Well I have a wonderful idea! Ha ha...
��������(Tom picks up the brush and goes back to work)
(Ben Rogers comes along the road singing happily and carrying an apple. He stops to look at Tom)
Ben Rogers: I’m going swimming. Do you want to go swimming Tom? But I guess you can’t. You have to stay and work don’t you?
����������(Tom continues painting.)
Tom: �����Work? This isn’t work. I’m enjoying myself. Does a boy get a chance to paint a fence like this every day?
(Tom goes on painting carefully sometimes he stands back to look at the fence and then adds a bit more paint in just the right place.
(Ben looks at Tom and thinks about Tom’s words. He watches his every move and gets more and more interested)
Ben Rogers: Tom will you let me do some painting?
�Tom:���� No Ben I can’t. You see Aunt Polly wants it to be done properly. I’m the only one who can do it right.
Ben Rogers: Oh please Tom. I can do it. I’ll be really careful. Just let me try. I’ll give you half of my apple. I’ll give you all of it.
Tom:���� Well all right Ben. But you must be careful.
(Tom gives Ben his brush with worry on his face but joy in his heart. Tom sits down under the tree and starts to eat the apple.)
(Billy Fisher comes along with a kite in his hand)
Billy Fisher: Good morning Guys! Would you like to fly the kite with me?
Tom:����� No thanks. It’s not so interesting as painting the fence. Look at Ben! How happily he is painting!
(Billy watches Ben for a while and thinks about Tom’s words.)
Billy Fisher : Could you ask Ben to have a rest and let me do some painting?
Tom:���� I’m not sure whether he will agree. Can’t you see he’s enjoy himself?
Billy Fisher: Oh please Tom. Just let me try. I’ll give you my kite.
���������(A lot of boys come and ask for a chance to paint the fence.)
John Miller: It seems really great! Can you let me paint for a little while? Oh Tom here are 12 marbles are they enough for a chance to paint the fence?
David Brown: Tom I have a nice new ball. Now it’s yours. And can I paint the fence after John?
Tom: ��An apple a kite 12 marbles and a new ball! Wow!
������������Hey stop! Listen to me.� Billy you will be the first John you will be the second And David you will be the third one. Take turns to do some painting. And you must do it as carefully as Ben Roger does.
�������(The boys take turns to paint the fence. Tom sits under the tree and plays with the toys )
Scene 3: Late in the afternoon.
Aunt Polly:Tom have you finished painting the fence?
Tom:���� Absolutely. Look! The fence has gained three coats of paint.
�(Aunt Polly examines the fence closely).
Aunt Polly : Fantastic Tom! You did a great job! There is a large cake for you at home.
Tom:��� Oh! A big cake? Thank you Aunt Polly.