英语翻译Robot scientists are not just trying to make robots look like people .for example ,there are already robots working in factories .These robots look more like huge arms .They do simple jobs over and over agina .People would not like to do such jobs and would get bored .But robots will never get bored.个位,)


Robot scientists are not just trying to make robots look like people .for example ,there are already robots working in factories .These robots look more like huge arms .They do simple jobs over and over agina .People would not like to do such jobs and would get bored .But robots will never get bored.个位,)

机械手科学家不刚好尝试使机械手看起来像人们一样 举例来说, 已经有机械手在工厂工作 这些机械手看起来更像极大的双臂 他们一再地做简单的工作 人们不喜欢做如此的工作而且会变得无聊 但是机械手永远不会变得无趣

