英语翻译1.由于天气原因我们的产品不能及时送达,为此我们向各位客户致歉.(apologize)2.Do you mind my turning up the radio a bit?(用宾语从句进行句式转换)3.好几个月没有下雨了,结果很多庄稼都旱死了.(as a result)


2.Do you mind my turning up the radio a bit?(用宾语从句进行句式转换)
3.好几个月没有下雨了,结果很多庄稼都旱死了.(as a result)

1.Due to weather we can promptly delivery of products to all customers,we apologize.2.Do you mind that I turn up the radio a bit?3.Several months without rain,as a result many crops are drought died.