英语翻译请帮忙翻译下面2句:合计包括a费用 b费用 等 所有&的费用,小箱每个1美元 大箱每个2美元.free day 无限条&款:contaner可以存放在堆场到任何时间而不产生storage charge.


合计包括a费用 b费用 等 所有&的费用,小箱每个1美元 大箱每个2美元.
free day 无限条&款:contaner可以存放在堆场到任何时间而不产生storage charge.

Total cost b cost all & costs, such as a small box for each $1 trunk of $2 each.
The free day infinite & section: contaner can be stored in a storage area to any time and do not produce storage charge.

Total amount covers a & b fees and other fees, small box is US$ 1 and big box is US$ 2.
Container storage does not incure storage charge at any point in time.

A fee,B fee are included in total.1 dollar for each small container,2 dollar for each big container
Unlimited free day clause:containers can be stored in the pack yard until anytime and no storage charge is needed