请根据提示用英语写一段北京市的天气预报.开头已给出.要求:60个词左右.语言地道,语句通顺,语法规范.Today:cloudy,heavy rain22°c-30°c Tomorrow:rainy,sunny24°c-32°c开头:Here's the weather report from CCTV


Today:cloudy,heavy rain22°c-30°c Tomorrow:rainy,sunny24°c-32°c
开头:Here's the weather report from CCTV

Here's the weather report from CCTV:As you can see now it's starting to be cloudy,so for those of you who went out today I suggest you to bring an umbrella or change your plan as it seems to be a heavy rain.The temperatures today will be at 22°c-30°c.
Well for tomorrow the temperatures will be around 24°c-32°c.It may still rain at the morning,but be patient cause there will always be a sunny day after the rain.At afternoon you will have a clear sky and you may go for outdoors activities and enjoy the rainbow.
And that's all for today's weather forecast report.