英语翻译1.校运动会结束时,校长为获奖运动员颁了奖.(present)2.世界上任何一个民族都有自己的文化和风俗习惯.(separate)3.在远洋轮上,我们看见鲸时不时地浮现出海面呼吸.(ocean-going;emerge)4.当机会来临时,要毫不犹豫地抓住它.(hesitate)5.到了*采取行动取缔那些非法网吧的时候了.(take action;ban)不要翻译器翻译!求人工翻译!


5.到了*采取行动取缔那些非法网吧的时候了.(take action;ban)

1. The school athletic meet is over, the p2. Any in the world a nation has its own culture and customs. 3. At the ocean wheel, we saw the whale emerged from time to time sea to breathe. 4. When opportunity comes, will not hesitate to take it. 5. The government take action to clamp down on the illegal Internet caferincipal for the athletes awarded the prize

1 The present awarded for athletes when the sports meeting is over
2 Every nation has its separate culture and custom
3 In the ocean-going ship,we saw whale emerge from the water now and then
4 When chance comes,we should catch it without hesitate
5 It's time for government taking actions to ban those illegal Netbar

1.Whe the school sports meeting ended,the headmaster presented awards to the sportsmen.
2.Any nation in the world all has their own separate culture and customs.
3.On the ocean-going liner ,we saw the whale emerging the sea to breathe from time to time.
4.Whe the opportunity comes ,don't hesitate to seize it.
5.It is the high time for the government to took action to baned illegal Internet cafes.