英语短文填空{单词首字母已给}谢谢了,大神帮忙啊We often like to p______this game in our classroom.We sit in a circle on our chairs.The teacher gives o______of us a big red flower.The teacher says“Behin!”She beats{敲}a d______and the students pass the flowers one by one very quickly.The teacher say,"Sorry!"The student who has the flower in the h_____will tell us a joke.{笑话}


We often like to p______this game in our classroom.We sit in a circle on our chairs.The teacher gives o______of us a big red flower.The teacher says“Behin!”She beats{敲}a d______and the students pass the flowers one by one very quickly.The teacher say,"Sorry!"The student who has the flower in the h_____will tell us a joke.{笑话}

play one drum hand