将括号内的单词更换一个字母,组成一个新词,填在横线上,使句意完整.{cat} Who__drive the car?{now}My pencil - box is old. Yours i s ____.{cat} Who__drive the car?{now}My pencil - box is old. Yours is ____.
将括号内的单词更换一个字母,组成一个新词,填在横线上,使句意完整.{cat} Who__drive the car?{now}My p
encil - box is old. Yours i s ____.
{cat} Who__drive the car?{now}My pencil - box is old. Yours is ____.
Who (can) driver the car? My pencil - box is old.yours is (new).
。{cat} Who_can drive the car?{now}My p encil - box is old. Yours i s _new___.
①{cat} Who__drive the car?答案是:Who can drive the car?把cat变成can就好了②{now}My pencil - box is old.Yours is ____.答案是:My pencil - box is old.Yours is new.把now变成new就好了·········...