《高一英语作文》求助…假如你是李华.在一个英文论坛上,你看到一个名叫Mike的学生发帖寻求帮助.请根据帖子内容、写作要点和要求回帖.Hj,evers,I'm18 years old and I'm going to a university in Beijing this autumn.My parents insist on going with me to help me settle down.But I think I can manage it all by myself.How can I make them change their ideas?写作要点:1、告诉Mike要理解父母;2、给Mike提出解决问题的具体建议.


I'm18 years old and I'm going to a university in Beijing this autumn.My parents insist on going with me to help me settle down.But I think I can manage it all by myself.How can I make them change their ideas?

You can let your parents know that you can take care of yourself. you should be more independent . you need to understand your parents . they don"t allow you to go there alone, becaue they are worried...