用英语说:1小心滑倒 2勿折花木 3来宾登记 4请勿践踏草坪 5请随手关门 6勿乱扔废弃物


用英语说:1小心滑倒 2勿折花木 3来宾登记 4请勿践踏草坪 5请随手关门 6勿乱扔废弃物

1mind slipping
2don't touch flowers and plants
3guests please register
4keep of the grass ,please
5close the door as you go out
6don't litter

1 Caution! Slippery !
2Don't harm the flowers and trees
3Visitors Please Register
4Do not trample on the lawn
5Close the door behind you
6No littering