英语的单词拼写(帮帮忙!)1.My dream is to travel ar____ the world.2.I was so hungry that I felt all food was very de____.3.—Are you in____ in making modle planes?—Yes,I like it very much.4.Do you know Dashan?He is s fo____ but he can speak Chinese very well.5.The more careful we are,the fe____ mistakes we'll make.6.Mr.White is a good teacher with ten years of teaching ex____.7.It's raining he____,so we have to put off the football match.8.She gave the greatest pe


1.My dream is to travel ar____ the world.
2.I was so hungry that I felt all food was very de____.
3.—Are you in____ in making modle planes?—Yes,I like it very much.
4.Do you know Dashan?He is s fo____ but he can speak Chinese very well.
5.The more careful we are,the fe____ mistakes we'll make.
6.Mr.White is a good teacher with ten years of teaching ex____.
7.It's raining he____,so we have to put off the football match.
8.She gave the greatest pe____ of her career.
9.She was si____ yesterday; however,she still went to work.
10.Hello,everybody.I'd like to in____ a friend to you,Joe Smith.

1 around
2 delicious
3 interested
4 foreigner
5 fewer
6 experience
7 heavily
8 peak
9 sick
10 introduce


1 around
4 这句有问题啊 is s fo____ 是不是打错了
5 few
6 experience
7 heavy
8 perfofmance
9 sick
10 introduce

  1. around

  2. delicious

  3. instereted

  4. foreigner

  5. fewer

  6. experience

  7. heavily

  8. peak

  9. sick

  10. introduce

1 around 我的梦想是环游世界.
2 delicious 我很饿,感觉什么都好吃.
3 interested 你对做模型飞机感兴趣吗?是的,我很喜欢.
4 foreigner 你知道大山吗?他是个外国人但中国讲的非常好.
5 fewer 我们越细心犯的错越少.
6 experience 怀特先生是个有十年教龄的好老师.
7 heavily 雨下得很大,我们不得不延迟足球赛.
8 peak 她职业生涯到达顶峰.
9 sick 昨天她生病了,然而她仍然去上班.
10 introduce 大家好.我想给你们介绍个朋友,乔史密斯.