英语翻译1.What does the letter-writer want to do at Christmas?He wants to have a long holiday abroad.He wants to visit his parents who live quite far away.He wants to change his job.2.How many miles will the letter-writer travel to go to and come back from Cornwall?500 miles.3.Why doesn’t the letter-writer get on well with his boss?His boss is a very rude person.His boss heard the letter-writer and others say very bad things about him.The letter-writer do


1.What does the letter-writer want to do at Christmas?He wants to have a long holiday abroad.He wants to visit his parents who live quite far away.He wants to change his job.
2.How many miles will the letter-writer travel to go to and come back from Cornwall?500 miles.
3.Why doesn’t the letter-writer get on well with his boss?His boss is a very rude person.His boss heard the letter-writer and others say very bad things about him.The letter-writer doesn’t like the atmosphere at work.
4.What does Vicky advise the letter-writer to do?To make his boss feel sorry about what happened.To have a good relationship with his boss.To apologize to his boss for what he (the letter-writer) has done.
5.What does Vicky think the letter-writer’s boss will do after he hears the explanation?He will probably be very happy to give the letter-writer a longer holiday.He will not be happy to let the letter-writer go.He will probably give the letter-writer a raise.
