求一篇英语口语作文,关于job interview的题目是“What questions do you think are often asked in a job interview?How do you prepare for them?Do you think one’s character is important in finding a job?Why?”今天九点前给的话(前提是满意)有加分!


求一篇英语口语作文,关于job interview的
题目是“What questions do you think are often asked in a job interview?How do you prepare for them?Do you think one’s character is important in finding a job?Why?”

题目:Something about the job interview
正文:In my opinion,some questions like "Can you introduce yourself please?" and "Talk about your family condition" thus will be asked.Therefore,when you are asked of these questions,you don't have to be nervous and just answer according the truth.
The best way to success in the interview is to ask someone who has the experience or find some data on the Internet.After that,you don't have to prepare something special for it and just have a well thought out plan.
I don't think that one's character is important in fiding a job.For what the company needs is just your ability and educational background without anything else.

1.)what is important when going for a job interview?the key words here are preparation and confidence,which will carry you far?
when you going for a job interview,dress in clean ,neat,conservative clathes.Make sure that your shoes,hands and hair are clean and neat.don't worry about the interview,speak politely and naturally even if you are feeling shy.think before you answer any questions.after the interview,if you are not definitely acceptde or turned on the spot,ask:"when may i expect to hear the results of the interview?.
If you do receive a letter offiering you the job,you must reply by letter as soon as possible!
Good luck!
2).interview provides employers opportunities to look for the proper persons to be competent to the positions.It plays critically important role in the proccess of hiring.Although that is a challenge for everyone,we still can find out the rules partly.In a certain degree,appearance give the interviewers the first impressions and,essentially,it influences the upcoming process.The way you behave and talk also affect the proceedings of interview.It will partly unveil your education level and the rough understanding of your personality.The job positions are provided for those people who can afford them,and that is why you need to perform that you have the ability to handle the job.Sometimes,we will face some special situations which needs specific resolutions.Your professional knowledge will be one of the hiring standards.Don't be afraid to be asked or answer the questions.You need to be self-confident in order to leave the better impression to the interviewers.If you can not be qualified for those standards,just admit that you can't do it.It's much better than be disclosed when you are working.
3.)How to succeed in a job interview?
Background research is critical for success in an interview.Your research should focus on two key areas:
1) General background information about the organisation
2) Specific information on the role that you are applying for
General information on the organisation can be found using several sources.The Internet is an incredibly valuable source of information on the majority of companies – many sites will freely give you almost all the information that you will need for the interview.You can also talk to people you know who work for the organisation,or people who are their clients or suppliers.
Watch,read,and listen to the news.While you are job searching you should try and monitor current affairs and the business news as often as possible.If an organisation has been in the news recently they will expect exceptional candidates to have noticed!
Focus on the specific role that you have applied for.Make sure you hold onto the adverts for all jobs that you have applied for,as these summarise for you the key details that employers are looking for.Employers particularly dislike ringing candidates for an interview only to find the candidate can’t even remember applying for the job!
Have an understating of the tasks you will be expected to perform in the role and the responsibilities that you might assume.Always obtain a copy of a position description if one is available,it will help you anticipate many of the likely questions.
Think about replies to common questions.
While you can’t prepare for all possible questions,some questions appear in almost every interview and employers will expect you to have answers to such questions as:
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Why do you want to work for this company?
What do you have to offer us?
What are your career goals?
What do you see yourself doing in five years from now?Ten years?
Why did you choose this career?
What does success mean to you?
At the end of the first year,if you got this job,how would you measure your success?
Are you willing to relocate?
How much do you expect to be paid?
What are the most important considerations for you in choosing a job?
What achievements have given you the most satisfaction?Why?
Tell me about a time you were under pressure and how you handled it.
Tell us a bit about yourself.
While it is not a good idea to rehearse exact answers,it is often useful to practice verbalising possible answers to these common interview questions,be it to friends,family,or even to the mirror!This will give you greater confidence when answering questions,and it will also help you to evaluate how your answer sounds before you have to put it to the test in front of an actual interview panel.