We haven’t settled the question of whether it is necessary for him to study abroad.这个句子是什么从句?为什么whether前面要加一个of呢?


We haven’t settled the question of whether it is necessary for him to study abroad.这个句子是什么从句?为什么whether前面要加一个of呢?

此句较为复杂.从整体看the question...是settled后的宾语从句,此宾语从句中又包含了whether引导的主语从句.分析一下句子成分:
谓语havent settled
宾语the question ...
the question of 是一个整体,把whether...看成一个词A,难道你没看到the question of A这样的结构吗?whether...是对the question 的限定和补充说明

这是一个宾语从句。the question of 之后的内容是来解释说明question的具体内容

(We) haven’t settled (the question of) whether (it is necessary ) for (him to study abroad).
whether 引导宾语丛句

of不是和whether在一起的,是the question of