The Earth is our home地球是我们的家园.目前,人类的活动严重破坏旅客地球上的生态平衡.请就此写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于60词的短文.简述人类活动如何破坏了环境,叙述一下自己的观点及你为什么要做出努力保护环境.所给英语提示词供选用.提示词语:make something +adj.,so...that...,the more...the more...,protect...from


The Earth is our home
提示词语:make something +adj.,so...that...,the more...the more...,protect...from

In the past few decades , the environmental pollution has become quite severe , which has threatened the lives on the earth
There are many facts caused the pollution : first and foremost , the tail gas from the cars and chimneies makes contributions to the pollution . What’s more , we may waste a lot of water every day , so , the global shortage of fresh water is encountering us . Last but not least , we produce tons of daily rubbish , especially the plastic bags .
In order to alleviate the situations , measures should be taken to solve the problems . We can take a bus or on foot instead of driving a car , and recycle the used water and materials to save more recourses . Our government had launched a campaign against the use of plastic bags.
Only through the ways mentioned above can we solve the problems , thus having a better planet to live in .

我写的 你可以自己再改改 字数多了点 你挑自己需要的In the past few decades ,the environmental pollution has become quite severe ,which has threatened the lives on the earth There are many facts caused t...