连词成句:1.my,have,of,I,duties,done,already,most (.) 2.be,will,they,there,soon(.)3.have,I,been,before,China,never,to4.brother,is bedroom,watching,his,Linda`s,in,now,TV5.book,just,have,this,I,library,found


连词成句:1.my,have,of,I,duties,done,already,most (.) 2.be,will,they,there,soon(.)
4.brother,is bedroom,watching,his,Linda`s,in,now,TV

1、Most of my duties have already done.我的大部分工作已经做完。
2、They will be there soon. 他们将会尽快到那里
3、I nave never been to China before. 我从来没到过中国
4、Linda‘s brother is watching TV in bedroom now. 琳达的哥哥正在卧室里看电视
5、I have just found this book in the library. 我刚发现书在图书馆里

1. I have already done my duties.
2.They will be there soon.
3. I have never been to China before.
4.His brother is watching TV now in Linda's bedroom
5. I have just found this book in library.

I have already done most of my duties.They will be there soon.I have never been to China before.Linda's br...