关于英语句子的时态she said since the day she went to school,she was extremely delighted and felt a strong sense of accomplishment coz she learnt many new things and made loads of good friends.这是我写的作文里的一句话,有没有什么时态上的问题,应该怎么改呢?(烦告知错误原因)总觉得读着别扭


she said since the day she went to school,she was extremely delighted and felt a strong sense of accomplishment coz she learnt many new things and made loads of good friends.

she said since she went to school,she was extremely delighted and felt a strong sense of accomplishment coz she learnt many new things and made loads of good friends.

she said since the day she went to school,she had been extremely delighted and felt a strong sense of accomplishment,coz she had learnt many new things and made loads of good friends.这里你用了since自...