初二if引导的条件状语从句 主句的时态是什么The sea level____(rise)if the weather ___(get)hotterunless I __(pass)the exam,I_____(not,leave)schoolyou_(be)safe if you_(wear)your seatbeltIf jenny——(save)all her money she___( visit) englishI____(not come)with you unless you ___(bring)jimi___(lend)you my umbrella if you(need)it


初二if引导的条件状语从句 主句的时态是什么
The sea level____(rise)if the weather ___(get)hotter
unless I __(pass)the exam,I_____(not,leave)school
you_(be)safe if you_(wear)your seatbelt
If jenny——(save)all her money she___( visit) english
I____(not come)with you unless you ___(bring)jim
i___(lend)you my umbrella if you(need)it

1.will rise,gets;2pass,will not leave;3.will be,wear;4.saves,will visit;5.wll not come,bring;6.will lend,need.