用 have to ,do not need to ,did not need to1,I______buy both books so I bought only one 2,We_____hurry .We are very late 3,We _____hurry.There is plenty of time4,He _____do any homework last night because he had finished it at school5,You_____take a taxi .there is a bus cominp6,She _____get up early yesterday becanse it was a holiday7,You _____stay behind to help me with my work.I can do it by myself8,I_____take a taxi .I can not wait for a bus 9,You _


用 have to ,do not need to ,did not need to
1,I______buy both books so I bought only one
2,We_____hurry .We are very late
3,We _____hurry.There is plenty of time
4,He _____do any homework last night because he had finished it at school
5,You_____take a taxi .there is a bus cominp
6,She _____get up early yesterday becanse it was a holiday
7,You _____stay behind to help me with my work.I can do it by myself
8,I_____take a taxi .I can not wait for a bus
9,You ____write home because you are going home tomorrw
10,I_____buy any new shoes because my mother bought two pairs for me yesterday

1did not need to
2have to
3do not need to
4did not need to
5 do not need to
6 did not need to
7do not need to
8 have to
9do not need to
10 do not need to

1.did not need to
2.have to
3.do not need to
4.did not need to
5.do not need to
6.did not need to
7.do not need to
8.have to
9.do not need to
10.did not need to