To read more books (be) helpful.He made faceTom asked me (help) him with his English.My home is the closest to school bout his home is (far).Whose hair is (curly),yours or mine?(quick) you get ready,(soon) you will be able to leave.(much) you eat,(fat) you’ll be.I am (good) at swimming than her.It was (luck) that we missed the last bus and had to walk back.It rained heavily that day and they all (get) wet.I am the tallest boy in our class but Tony is


To read more books (be) helpful.He made face
Tom asked me (help) him with his English.
My home is the closest to school bout his home is (far).
Whose hair is (curly),yours or mine?
(quick) you get ready,(soon) you will be able to leave.
(much) you eat,(fat) you’ll be.
I am (good) at swimming than her.
It was (luck) that we missed the last bus and had to walk back.
It rained heavily that day and they all (get) wet.
I am the tallest boy in our class but Tony is (short).

To read more books (is ) helpful. He made faceTom asked me (to help) him with his English. My home is the closest to school bout his home is (farther ).Whose hair is (cu...