Each of us decided (work)in the west after we left school I found it hard (learn) English well.


Each of us decided (work)in the west after we left school I found it hard (learn) English well.

Each of us decided (to work/working)in the west after we left school I found it hard (to learn) English well.

此处考查的是不定式的用法:第一空应填to work, 英语中一些动词之后只用to do 形式,比如:decide,expect, want(想要)等。
第二空:to learn, 考查形式宾语it,真正宾语用to learn的用法。

to work to learn
decide to do 决定做某事
find it + 形容词 + to do 发现做某事怎样 it 是形式宾语 to do 是真正的宾语

to work; to learn

to work decide to do sth. 决定做……
to learn

decided to work
found it hard to learn