Please help me translate this sentence,thanks so much!陈 楚辉承认,过去每晚到的士高酒吧”索k”,过颓癈生活,经外展社工接触带往青少年中心学跳舞后,在舞蹈中重拾人生目标,并当上舞员.浴火重生的他,在社区中心帮助其他边青习舞,帮他们回归正途.


Please help me translate this sentence,thanks so much!
陈 楚辉承认,过去每晚到的士高酒吧”索k”,过颓癈生活,经外展社工接触带往青少年中心学跳舞后,在舞蹈中重拾人生目标,并当上舞员.浴火重生的他,在社区中心帮助其他边青习舞,帮他们回归正途.

陈楚辉acknowledged that over the last night to the disco bar "Sok k", had bockii Waste of life by the outreach social workers and taken to a youth center after school to dance in the dance regain their goals in life, and when the dance Rapporteur. ashes of his life in the community center to help other side of the Green dancing to help them return to the right path.

Cheng Chuhui admitted that he used to lead a dispirited life in the Disco Bar "SuoK"(意译),but after he got to know the Juvenile's Dancing Center which is introduced by some Outward Social workers ,he got to reset his life goal, and then became a dancer . he, after the roughs, now working in the Social Center to help other young peoples to learn dancing, and help them to step back to the right way.

Cheng Chuhui confesses that in the past he went to the Disco Bar to take drugs everyday.His dispirited life hadn't been changed until social workers who do out-reach work took him to the Juvenile Cent...