):Our maths teacher always tells us _______ make the same mistake again.1.Our maths teacher always tells us _______ make the same mistake again.A.don’t B.not C.to not D.not to2.Doing to much homeworkreally makes the students feel tired.(找出动词不定式并且写出它在句子中担任的成分)动词不定式难道不是make吗?make用在陈述句中不是要把动词不定式的to省略吗?


):Our maths teacher always tells us _______ make the same mistake again.
1.Our maths teacher always tells us _______ make the same mistake again.
A.don’t B.not C.to not D.not to
2.Doing to much homeworkreally makes the students feel tired.(找出动词不定式并且写出它在句子中担任的成分)