1.Tom and Bill have come back,but _____students in the class haven't come back.A the other B others C another D the others 请问应该选哪个?我想选D 表示其余剩下的所有学生,2.Everyone must think_____our duty to protect the environment.A that's B that C it was D it  请问这题考察的是什么语法知识点?选哪个?3.The boy got a C in his math test last week.He _____serious about his studies and he started to spend time studying at home.A bacame B remind C went D turned 请问选哪个?4.Tony likes to make friends


1.Tom and Bill have come back,but _____students in the class haven't come back.
A the other B others C another D the others 请问应该选哪个?我想选D 表示其余剩下的所有学生,
2.Everyone must think_____our duty to protect the environment.
A that's B that C it was D it
3.The boy got a C in his math test last week.He _____serious about his studies and he started to spend time studying at home.
A bacame B remind C went D turned 请问选哪个?
4.Tony likes to make friends with people who___him.
A are different from B is different from
C is the same as D is like 这个选什么?
5.Oxford,as we know,_____is one of the best universities in the world
A that B / C it D this
6.Do you think most students prefer tests_____have easy questions?
A who B where C that D it
7.This is ______I wanted.
A the one what B which C one which D the one
请高手顺便讲一下为什么 授人以鱼不如授之以渔啦 讲得好我另有悬赏!