英语翻译由于最新的科技,告密者可以很轻松被追查到(大概就是这个意思  我是想说 如果有人匿名举报 可以很容易被追查到ip什么的)他们理应得到这边补偿无关紧要的事


由于最新的科技,告密者可以很轻松被追查到(大概就是这个意思  我是想说 如果有人匿名举报 可以很容易被追查到ip什么的)

With the newest technology, informer can be easily reached, they deserved the reward, it's no big deal.

Due to the latest technology, people who report secrets will be found out easily, there IP address will be tracked easily, they deserve remedies from in here and it is nothing major.

Owe to the new technology,the secrets teller are easy traced .
And they deserve the compensation.
It isn't a big deal.

Whistleblowers can be easily traced and identified due to the latest technology.

They deserve the compensation.

unimportant things 或者 things without significance

Whistle-blowers can be easliy tracked down thanks to latest technology.IPs of those give anonymous tip-off can easily be traced. 
They deserve to be compensated. 
Things that don't matter.