look!there is( )ice on the lake.括号里应填什么?A too much B too many C much too D so manyShe walked into the room ( )because her mother was sleeping.A clear B quiet C quick D quietlyJim's computer is ( )than( ).Don't you think so?A a lot newer;Lin Tao.B very new;Lin Tao's C much NEWER; Lin Tao's D a little newer; Lin Tao静求回答,


look!there is( )ice on the lake.括号里应填什么?A too much B too many C much too D so many
She walked into the room ( )because her mother was sleeping.
A clear B quiet C quick D quietly
Jim's computer is ( )than( ).Don't you think so?
A a lot newer;Lin Tao.B very new;Lin Tao's
C much NEWER; Lin Tao's D a little newer; Lin Tao