pay spend buy purchase的词组搭配 比如:人+spend+some time+doing sth


pay spend buy purchase的词组搭配 比如:人+spend+some time+doing sth

Pay to--->You haven't payed the money to me!
Pay for---> I payed £4 for the the meal.
Spend on -----> I have spent to much time on PC games.
Purchase 是buy 的正式场合使用版,用法差不多,什么都不搭档----> It will be no interest if you purchase goods with you credit card within the first three months.
Buy-----> I bought a kilo of apples, would you like some?

I pay/spend twenty dollars to buy/purchase a bag.

人+pay+some mony+for+something。人+buy+somebody+something。人+buy+something+for+somebody。人+spend+some time+with+something

I pay/spend 20 yuan to buy a huge purchase!

pay 和for搭配,即 pay some money for sth.
spend 与on或in doing(in可省略)搭配
buy一般与for搭配,buy sb. sth. buy sth. for sb.