我们正要离开,天下起了大雨.We were just about to leave when it began to rain.还是用we were leavingwhen it began to rain..表示移动的词,可以用现在进行时表示一般将来时,在这个句子里适用吗


我们正要离开,天下起了大雨.We were just about to leave when it began to rain.还是用we were leaving
when it began to rain..表示移动的词,可以用现在进行时表示一般将来时,在这个句子里适用吗

be about to 更好

还是用were just about to leave,更精确一些。We were leaving也没有错,虚拟语气。

Be about to表示将要正要……,当我们正要离开的时候天开始下雨了.
不能用were leaving,leave不像come go一样可以用进行时表示将来.也不是虚拟语气的说法.