把下列英语句子改成被动语态:1.My father is repairing my bike.2.I have found my pen this morning.3.She has finished her homework.4.The girl broke the vase just now.5.Mother was cooking dinner yesterday evening.6.They had made a beautiful cake for her.7.I will write a letter tomorrow.8.I can't answer the questions.9.We keep the piano in the living room.10.He cut down the trees in the garden.


1.My father is repairing my bike.
2.I have found my pen this morning.
3.She has finished her homework.
4.The girl broke the vase just now.
5.Mother was cooking dinner yesterday evening.
6.They had made a beautiful cake for her.
7.I will write a letter tomorrow.
8.I can't answer the questions.
9.We keep the piano in the living room.
10.He cut down the trees in the garden.

1.my bike was repaired by my father
2.my pen has been found by me this morning
3.she's homework has been finished by her
4.the vase was broken by the girl just now
5.dinner was been cook by mother yesterday evening
6.a beautiful cake had been made for her by them
7.the letter would be written by me tomorrow
8.the questions couldn't be anwered by me
9.the piano kept in the living room by us
10.the trees be cut down by him in the garden

1. My bike is being repaird by my father.
2.my pen has been found this morning.
3.her homework has been finished.
4.the vase has been broken just now.
5.dinner was being cooked yesterday evening.
6.a beautiful cake had been made for her by them.
7. a letter will be written tomorrow by me.
8. the question can not be answered by me.
9.the piano is kept in the living rome
10. the trees were cut down by him in the garden.

1.My bike is being repaired by my father.
2.My pen has been found (by me)this morning.
3.Her homework has been finished by her.
4.The vase was broken by the girl just now.
5.Dinner was being cooked by mother yesterday evening.
6.A beautiful cake has been made by them for her.
7.A letter will be written by me tomorrow.
8.The questions can't be answered by me.
9.The piano is kept in the living room by us.
10.The trees was cut down by him in the garden.

1、My bike is repaired by my father
2、My pen has been found this morning
3、Her homework have been finished
4、The vase was broken by the girl just now
5、Dinner was being cooked yesterday evening
6、A beautiful cake had been made for her
7、A letter will be writen tomorrow
8、The questions can't be answered
9、The piano was kept in the living room
10、The trees in the garden were cut down by him