英语翻译Do you need to know how long elephats live or how you can take care of a sick snake?Call the reference librarian of the nearest library,If she doesn't know the answer,she will find it out for you .This year,the month of November has been rather quiet for librarian PeggyCornell;she had only 1745 questions to answers about 26000 ayear.She enjoys doing it.She is leading the life that she chose for herself when she was still in high schooi.After earni


Do you need to know how long elephats live or how you can take care of a sick snake?Call the reference librarian of the nearest library,If she doesn't know the answer,she will find it out for you .This year,the month of November has been rather quiet for librarian PeggyCornell;she had only 1745 questions to answers about 26000 ayear.She enjoys doing it.She is leading the life that she chose for herself when she was still in high schooi.After earning a master's degree,she worked for a while in a medical library.But even with this experience she never answers the simplest medical or legal question now that she is a reference librarian; for then it could be said that she is practising medicine or law illegally.She can only show people the books which will give them the information they need.

你需要知道大象的寿命有多长或者你怎样才能照看一条生病的蛇吗?那么给最近的参考图书管理员打电话吧.如果她不知道答案,她就会帮你找答案.今年十一月参考图书管理员佩吉 康内尔没干什么活.一年里的26000个问题,她仅回...