英语翻译要求:1.至少使用4个以上的词组,(出现的词组个数越多越好),如果可以的话能用一些高级句型翻译就很好啦!2.*******请不要使用翻译机器、软件,只支持 纯人工 翻译,3、翻译能把句子的主要意思表达清楚就可以了.1、确定9月10日为教师节,是因为新生入学伊始,即开始尊师重教活动,可以给教师教好、学生学好创造良好的气氛;促进形成尊师重教、尊重知识、尊重人才的良好社会风尚.2、2010年9月10日是第二十六个教师节,我们班的同学开展“感恩老师”这一主题班会并赠送有关科任老师一些小礼物来表达对老师的感激和谢意.3、在平时,我们在课堂上要认真听讲,积极思考,学习中以进取的心态,严谨的风格,参与活动,完成学习任务是对老师的尊重,有创新意识,对老师的教学提出建议,同样也是尊重老师的一方面.还应养成使用礼貌用语,主动向老师问好的习惯.


2.*******请不要使用翻译机器、软件,只支持 纯人工 翻译,

1. The reason why September 10th is set as Teachers’ Day is that to begin the activity of respecting teachers and education at the beginning of the semester, will bring positive atmosphere to the teachers and students, as well as promote the social climate of respect for teachers, education, knowledge and talents.
2. September 10th, 2010 is the 26th Teachers’ Day, when we hold the class meeting around the theme “Thanks for Our Teachers”, and send some gifts to our subject teachers to express our heartfelt gratefulness and thanks.
3. The way to express our respect for teachers is to be attentive in class, to develop positive thinking, to keep enterprising and precise in learning, to participate in the activities and finish learning tasks. To be creative and to offer advice to teachers on teaching is also a respect for the teachers. In additions, we should form a habit to use respectful language and take the initiative to extend greetings to our teachers.