请帮我翻译下这段英语(人工翻译)A typical scattering experiment involves a beam with many incident particles all with the same kinetic energy. The coordinate system is shown in Figure 5.7. The incident particles come from the left with an initial velocity v in the +x direction. We take the center of the beam and the center of the target to be on the x-axis. The impact parameter b is the perpendicular distance from the initial trajectory to a parallel line through the


A typical scattering experiment involves a beam with many incident particles all with the same kinetic energy. The coordinate system is shown in Figure 5.7. The incident particles come from the left with an initial velocity v in the +x direction. We take the center of the beam and the center of the target to be on the x-axis. The impact parameter b is the perpendicular distance from the initial trajectory to a parallel line through the center of the target (see Figure 5.7). We assume that the width of the beam is larger than the size of the target. The target contains many scattering centers, but for calculational purposes, we may consider scattering off only one particle if the target is sufficiently thin.

一个典型的散射实验涉及到许多入射粒子的动能都相同。坐标系统如图5.7。入射粒子来的一个初始速度v在+ x方向从左侧。我们采取的梁中心和目标的中心是在X-轴。撞击参数b是从最初的轨道垂直距离通过目标(见图5.7)中心,一条平行线。我们假设梁的宽度比目标大小。目标包含许多散射中心,但对于量的计算而言,我们可以考虑只关闭一个粒子散射如果目标是够薄。

一个典型的散射实验涉及到许多入射粒子的动能都相同。坐标系统如图5.7。入射粒子来的一个初始速度v在+ x方向从左侧。我们采取的梁中心和目标的中心是在X -轴。撞击参数b是从最初的轨道垂直距离通过目标(见图5.7)中心,一条平行线。我们假设梁的宽度比目标大小。目标包含许多散射中心,但对于量的计算而言,我们可以考虑只关闭一个粒子散射如果目标是不够瘦。


一个典型的散射实验涉及了光束入射粒子都有许多具有相同的动能。坐标系统如图570。这一事件粒子会从左边的一个初始速度v + x方向。我们把波束*和目标的中心在x轴。撞击参数b是垂直距离初始弹道的平行线路,通过该中心的目标(见图57)。我们假设宽度的梁大于大小的目标。目标散射中心里包含了许多,但对于计算的目的,我们可以考虑散射掉只有一个粒子如果目标是充分的瘦。