When____________you___________(have)a meeting?________(be)the noise pollution a seriousproblem then?The old man still______(feel)a bit lonelyfrom time to time.My father___________--(work)at the computersince I_______________(come)into the room.He often___(do)the homework at the home inthe past.Great changes__________(take)place in myhometown in the past ten years.Many new factories____already________(put)upand a new theatre__(build)soonThe twins______


When____________you___________(have)a meeting?
________(be)the noise pollution a seriousproblem then?
The old man still______(feel)a bit lonelyfrom time to time.
My father___________--(work)at the computersince I_______________(come)into the room.
He often___(do)the homework at the home inthe past.
Great changes__________(take)place in myhometown in the past ten years.
Many new factories____already________(put)upand a new theatre__(build)soon
The twins_______(have)a good time when I sawthem at the party.
She___________(fall)ill last night,andshe__________(take)to the hospital at once.
She_________(买)the white car fortwo months.
He________________(去了)HongKong,youcan’t see him.
They_____________(来到/去了)HongKongfor 2 days.
I__________(收到)her letter for aweek.
We_______________(去过)America threetime.
Many songs_________(learn)by Tom since he_____________(come)to China.
News programmes________(show)on TV everyday.
A dog___(appear)on the screen just now.
The books____________(出版)lastmonth.They________(sell)well,so they________(买完)already.
In our country,the old_______________(应该被照顾).

will,haveisfeelsworks,camedoeshas takenhas,put,to buildare havingfell,was takenbroughtwentcame/went torecivedwent tolearned,camehas been showenappearswere published,sold,are sold outis support to be t...