英语:1.Mrs Green doesn't seem to like the idea.= Mrs Green seem not to like the idea.请问上面的两个句子是一样的,那么是不是否定不定式的句子都能有这样两种表达方式呢?比如:the teacher ask us not to talk in class.能不能这样表达the teacher doesn't ask us to talk in class.2.what great fun it is to visit Disneyland!3.what a great time they have chatting with each other during lunchtime!请问第2个句子后面的to是不定式对吧,那第3个句子能不能将 chatting 换成to chat


英语:1.Mrs Green doesn't seem to like the idea.= Mrs Green seem not to like the idea.
请问上面的两个句子是一样的,那么是不是否定不定式的句子都能有这样两种表达方式呢?比如:the teacher ask us not to talk in class.能不能这样表达the teacher doesn't ask us to talk in class.
2.what great fun it is to visit Disneyland!
3.what a great time they have chatting with each other during lunchtime!请问第2个句子后面的to是不定式对吧,那第3个句子能不能将 chatting 换成to chat

ask sb. not to do sth 是固定结构。2句中的to 是不定式结构。3句中的不能换。during, 在---期间。chatting 是指一直的状态。to chat 只是指这件事情。

have a good time doing sth. 这是固定用法。不能用to do 不定式。就像第一个问题那样。英语中有好多固定用法,需要你在平时学习中多读多记,见多了就知道了。英语最主要的就是多阅读。不过,你能想到在学习中多归纳总结,也是学习的好方法。看好你呦!


不能变成 doesn't ask... 固定用法 ask sb not to do sth
2 to visit 是不定式
3. have a great time (in ) doing sth chatting不能变成 to chat

2句中是it做形式主语,to do动词不定式做真正的主语后置3句中的chatting与to chat从意思上来讲,是都可以用的,但是如果出现在一个题目的四个选项中,选chatting.在非谓语动词中doing表示的经常习惯做的事情,...

对啊,ask sb. (not) to do sth.是固定用法,第三个句子也不能那么变吧,楼上说的很对啊