1.i'm not a pet doctor,(but one sunday,) i went to an animal hospital to help the doctors there.one sunday能换成a sunday吗?2.i arrived at the hospital early in the morning ,(and )there was already much work to do:giving the pets food and water,and even giving them kissex on the heads.请问括号内的and 怎么译,giving为什么要加ing3.it was a long day and the work made me tired,译这个句子4.ater the show was over,she( got to sleep.为什么不用went to sleep5.当人们需要帮助解决困难时他们就去那里.汉译英.


1.i'm not a pet doctor,(but one sunday,) i went to an animal hospital to help the doctors there.
one sunday能换成a sunday吗?
2.i arrived at the hospital early in the morning ,(and )there was already much work to do:giving the pets food and water,and even giving them kissex on the heads.请问括号内的and 怎么译,giving为什么要加ing
3.it was a long day and the work made me tired,译这个句子
4.ater the show was over,she( got to sleep.为什么不用went to sleep

One Sunday指某一个星期天,(通常用于描述记叙故事中),此时不宜换成a Sunday.根据上下文,中文可译为"但,却":我一大早就到了医院,可是却已经有一大堆的事等着我去做此处的giving是动名词.因为giving the pet f...