Some of the students have already learned enough English to ___ on a conversation with .Some of the students have already learned enough English to ___ on a conversation with native English speakers.(A) hold (B) keep(C) go (D) carry并请说明另外三个不对的原因,


Some of the students have already learned enough English to ___ on a conversation with .
Some of the students have already learned enough English to ___ on a conversation with native English speakers.
(A) hold (B) keep
(C) go (D) carry

hold on是握住,拿住什么不放
keep on和go on都是继续的意思,可以排除了

D 翻译成进行 经常搭配carry on an experiment 做实验
hold on 打电话用语 别挂电话 等等 的意思
keep on 持续 保持某种状态
go on 继续

carry on a conversation:进行交谈.可以看成固定词组.
hold on:保持,keep on:继续,go on:发生,进展.这三个词组都和conversation 不搭配.
