life lifes live lives之间有什么区别?求求大家帮帮忙叻····


life lifes live lives之间有什么区别?
求求大家帮帮忙叻···· n.生命 生物 人生,生存 His work is his whole life.他的工作是他全部生活的寄托.生活 The adolescent life is most important.青春期的生活是非常重要的.人命,性命 During the earthquake many lives were lost.地震中死了许多人.一生,终身,终生 Have you ever visited the Great Wall in your life?在你一生中,你参观过长城吗?生活方式 His way of life is rather austere.他的生活方式相当简朴.2.lifes n.活体模型 [liv] vi.活,生存 Are your parents living?你父母还健在吗?居住; 住 She lives about ten miles from my house.她的住处离我家约十英里远.vt.& vi.以某种方式生活 Eat to live but not live to eat.人为了活着而吃饭,而不是为了吃饭而活着.[laiv] adj.活的,有生命的 That is a live fish.那是条活鱼.现场直播的,实况转播的 It was a live broadcast,not a recording.那是现场直播,不是录音.adv.实地,现场地,以直播方式 The football game is going out live.足球赛正在进行实况转播.4.lives n.生命(life的复数)