How to protect our environment随着社会的发展环境问题影响着人们的生活、工作和学习。如何保护环境成为了一个必须解决的问题。白色污染,大气污染,水污染,化学污染已经无时无刻不在伤害着我们。请用上以上条件再加入三条解决污染的好办法。


How to protect our environment

Try not to buy clothes just because they are the latest fanshion.
Don't buy anything made from endangered animals.
Turn off the lights before you leave the room.
Collect waste and sell it for recycling.
Try to walk or ride a bike to school.
Open the window instead of turning on the air conditioning.
Before wo buy things,think whether it is really necessary,or maybe the old one will be just as good.
When we do buy things,choose local products if possible.
Repiar the broken things if we can insteand of throwing them away and buying new ones.
Find out what can be recycled in your neighbourhood and join in the recycling programme.
Try to buy things made from recycled materials,such as recycle paper to save the trees.

Don't throw litter everywhere.
use less or don't use one-off chopsticks .
Go out by bus or take a bike or walk(if it is a short distanse) to avoid driving a car.
plant more tree.
Or you can publish articals about environment in newspaper to call on more people to protect environment.