十、综合 1.Although Mary is satisfied with her success,she wonders ____ will happen to her11.Oh,John.___ you gave me!A.How a pleasant surprise \x05B.How pleasant surpriseC.What a pleasant surprise  \x05 \x05D.What pleasant surprise12.——Have you finished your report yet?——No,I'll finish in ___ ten minutes.A.another \x05\x05B.other \x05\x05C.more \x05\x05D.less13.——How did you find your visit to museum?——I thoroughly enjoyed it.It was ___ than I expected.A.


十、综合 1.Although Mary is satisfied with her success,she wonders ____ will happen to her
11.Oh,John.___ you gave me!
A.How a pleasant surprise \x05B.How pleasant surprise
C.What a pleasant surprise  \x05 \x05D.What pleasant surprise
12.——Have you finished your report yet?
——No,I'll finish in ___ ten minutes.
A.another \x05\x05B.other \x05\x05C.more \x05\x05D.less
13.——How did you find your visit to museum?
——I thoroughly enjoyed it.It was ___ than I expected.
A.far more interesting \x05B.even much interesting
C.so more interesting \x05D.a lot much interesting
14.______ is no reason for dismissing him.
A.Because he was a few minutes late \x05\x05B.Owing to a few minutes being late
C.The fact that he was a few minutes late \x05D.Being a few minutes late
15.She must be looking forward to your return,_______?
A.mustn’t she \x05B.wasn’t she \x05C.isn’t she \x05D.didn’t she
16.I would appreciate ___ very much if you would send me some information about the book.
17.Someone is ringing the doorbell.Go and see _______.
A.who is he\x05\x05B.who he is\x05\x05C.who is it\x05\x05D.who it is
18._____ evidence that language acquiring ability must be stimulated.
A.It being \x05B.It is \x05C.There is \x05D.There being
19.You can’t imagine that a well-behaved gentleman _____ be so rude to a lady.
20.He seemed __ enthusiasm when he heard our proposal.
A.to lack\x05\x05B.lacked\x05\x05C.to have lacked \x05D.lacking