英语完型:I was walking in our backyard when the doorbell rang. When I opened the door I found aI was walking in our backyard when the doorbell rang. When I opened the door I found a handsome young boy 41 there with newspapers in his hand. "Yes, can I helpyou?" I asked."Here's today,spaper," he said and 42 me a copy. He looked very nervous. "I'm sellingnewspapers so that I canget some money for college," he said 43 I hatedto stop him, but he handed me a co


英语完型:I was walking in our backyard when the doorbell rang. When I opened the door I found a
I was walking in our backyard when the doorbell rang. When I opened the door I found a handsome young boy 41 there with newspapers in his hand. "Yes, can I helpyou?" I asked."Here's today,spaper," he said and 42 me a copy. He looked very nervous. "I'm sellingnewspapers so that I canget some money for college," he said 43 I hatedto stop him, but he handed me a copy of the paper I had.I didn't want him to 44 his time and energy trying to sell me something I have 45 had. "Excuse me. I've got italready," I toldhim. "Oh," he said in a(n)46 voice. "How's it going?" I asked."Not good. Everyone f spoke to either has thepaper or isn't 47 . I've had the 48closed on me and some wouldn't even open it. They'd say 49 the window.""Are you just doing this for extra money?" "Extra money? I don't even know what that 50 You see I workafter school at a local store and on weekends help my uncle. I have to do this. You can't imagine how 51 it is to do this. But I must. It's all I have,"he said. "This will help me get some money for college. I know it's a long 52 off, but if I don'tstart now I won'tbe able to go when I'm old enough. The money I 53 from the otherjobs goes to help my mom. She needs the moneyjust to feed us. This is my future." "My friend, don't 54 about the future. I see the future in your heart. I seeit in yourspirit. I seeit in youreyes and it's bright and beautiful!” 55 those words, I gavehim ten dollars.
( )41.A. coming B. sitting C. staying D. standing ( )42. A. handed B. bought C. sold D. sent ( )43. A. angrily B. carefully C. softly D. happily ( )44. A. take B. make C. cost D. waste ( )45. A. ever B. never C. already D. even ( )46. A. disappointed B. exact C. excited` D. worried ( )47. A. afraid B. frustrated C. unfair D. interested ( )48. A. window B. door C. bag D. box ( )49. A. through B. across C. in D. on ( )50. A. shows B. reads C. means D. writes