Here's how you can take the taxi in Japan. ★ From train stations or airports,go to the taxi①Here's how you can take the taxi in Japan.★ From train stations or airports,go to the taxi stand and wait there.★ In the street,look for fl taxi that has a red light in the front window.It means the taxi has no passengers(乘客).★ When you see an empty taxi,wave(挥动)your hand and call it.★ The back door opens automatically(自动地),so stand back and wait un


Here's how you can take the taxi in Japan. ★ From train stations or airports,go to the taxi
①Here's how you can take the taxi in Japan.
★ From train stations or airports,go to the taxi stand and wait there.
★ In the street,look for fl taxi that has a red light in the front window.It means the taxi has no passengers(乘客).
★ When you see an empty taxi,wave(挥动)your hand and call it.
★ The back door opens automatically(自动地),so stand back and wait until the door opens.
★ Get in the taxi and tell the driver where you want to go.
★ Before you get out of the taxi,pay it.
★ Wait until the door opens and get out of the taxi.
31.whats the right order when you take a taxi in japan?
①go to the taxi stand and line up
②rasie your hand and call it
③pay the driver
④look for an empty taxi(按课文顺序,排1,2,3,4)
32.What should you do before getting into the taxi、 should tell the driver ____after you get in the taxi should pay ____ the charge indicated on the meter