Rearrange the following sentences so that they make a readable passage.1.The professor wanted to find out how long it would take the monkey to find the food.2.A university professor made several tests with different animals.3.In one test the professor put a monkey in a room where there were several small boxes.4.Some boxes were inside other boxes.5.He found out that monkeys were cleverer than other animals.6.One small box had some food inside it.


Rearrange the following sentences so that they make a readable passage.
1.The professor wanted to find out how long it would take the monkey to find the food.
2.A university professor made several tests with different animals.
3.In one test the professor put a monkey in a room where there were several small boxes.
4.Some boxes were inside other boxes.
5.He found out that monkeys were cleverer than other animals.
6.One small box had some food inside it.

2 5 3 4 6 1