1、-Have you finished your homework yet?-Not yet,I___to do it just a few minutes ago.A.get down B.set out C.set about D.set up(我感觉应该选C,可是答案给的B,为什么啊)2、A new technique ___out,the yields increased by20%.A.having working B.having been workingC.has worked D.had been worked(答案给的B 3、____all the time is the key to____progress in EnglishA.Practice,making B.To practice,makingC.Practicing,make D.To practice,make(答案给的B)


1、-Have you finished your homework yet?
-Not yet,I___to do it just a few minutes ago.
A.get down B.set out C.set about D.set up
2、A new technique ___out,the yields increased by20%.
A.having working B.having been working
C.has worked D.had been worked
3、____all the time is the key to____progress in English
A.Practice,making B.To practice,making
C.Practicing,make D.To practice,make

首先,第一题中的B答案是set out.而set out to do something的意思是开始做某事.答案不得而知了吧.第二题中的B答案,用的是现在进行完成时,说明这项新技术从开始到现在还在一直经行着,从后半句可以看到,这个领域已经提...