根据对话内容,选择恰当的句子补全对话 A:Good morning .Can I help you B:Yes ,please(A)根据对话内容,选择恰当的句子补全对话A:Good morning .Can I help you B:Yes ,please ( )A:We have many different kinds of jeans here .Some are from China ,and some are from other countries B:This one liiks nice ( )A:In AmericaB:( )A:380 yuan .It’s a new type and popular with yong chidrenB:Wow ,than’s too expensive.( ) Do you have any cheaper ones A:Sure .What about those ones B:Well ,this pair looks very goo


根据对话内容,选择恰当的句子补全对话 A:Good morning .Can I help you B:Yes ,please
A:Good morning .Can I help you
B:Yes ,please ( )
A:We have many different kinds of jeans here .Some are from China ,and some are from other countries
B:This one liiks nice ( )
A:In America
B:( )
A:380 yuan .It’s a new type and popular with yong chidren
B:Wow ,than’s too expensive.( ) Do you have any cheaper ones
A:Sure .What about those ones
B:Well ,this pair looks very good .And the price is OK.I’ll get it .( )
A:Thanks .Here’s the change.
(A.What would you like to buy
B.Here;s the money.
C.How much does it cost
D.I can’t afford it .
E.Where is it made
F.I’d love to buy a pair of jeans .
G.Here you are.)
A:There’s going to ()a fashion show tomorrow
B:Really Who will ( ) the clothes
A:I don’t know .But I know many famous models will come .
B:That ( )be very interesting .I’ll go with you .
A:OK .But when and () shall we meet
B:At 6:00 p.m/ at my home .Don’t be ( )

同学,很高兴回答你的问题 正确答案如下: (A) FECDB (B) beshowmustwherelate ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^希望能帮到你,/>不明白请继续追问,可以详谈嘛(*...