91515:there comes a time in every worker's life when he bounds to drop off because of increasing age, his judgment may be as good as ever and his intelligent be unimpaired,but his physical powers do diminish,therefor, it is difficult for him to adapt to changing situations.相知到的语言点:1—there comes a time: 怎么翻译?2—bounds to drop off: 怎么翻译?3—本句怎么翻译?


91515:there comes a time in every worker's life when he bounds to drop off because of increasing age, his judgment may be as good as ever and his intelligent be unimpaired,but his physical powers do diminish,therefor, it is difficult for him to adapt to changing situations.
1—there comes a time: 怎么翻译?
2—bounds to drop off: 怎么翻译?

1、there comes a time = there is a time的变体,或者 = a time comes there的倒装,意思是“一个时间到了”,如:
There comes the bus.公交车来了.
There comes a boy.一个男孩子走过来了
这种结构还可以用 run,go,sit,stand,lie 等动词构成,如:
There goes the bell.铃声响了.
There runs a car.一辆车开过来了.
There sits an old man.一位老人坐在那里.
There stands a building.那里矗立着一座大楼.
There lies a river.有一条河.
2、bounds to drop off:
bound to = have to,意思是“必然/不得不/必须”
drop off 离开/死去
第一分句:There comes a time in every worker's life when he bounds to drop off because of increasing age
主句:There comes a time in every worker's life 每个工人的一生中都有一种时间会来到.
定语从句:when he bounds to drop off 在他不得不离开的时候 (when 指代 at the time)
原因状语:because of increasing age,由于逐渐增长的年龄.
第二分句:his judgment may be as good as ever and his intelligent (省略may) be unimpaired,他的判断力或许永远很好,他的理解力或许不会衰退.
第三分句:but his physical powers do diminish,但是他的体力确实减弱了.
表示结果的第四分句:therefore,it is difficult for him to adapt to changing situations.他适应变化中的形势是困难的.
as good as ever和过去一样,实际上相当于以往
do diminish 中的助动词 do 起强调作用.
It is … for sb.to do sth.某人做某事是…