Once upon a time there lived a king.He loved horses你能在保持句意不变的前提1、Once a time,there lived a king.Heloved horses._____ ____ ____,there ___a King.He ___horses very much2、One day he asked an artist to draw him a beautiful horse.One day he _____ an artist to draw a beautiful horse ____him.One day he saked an artist ”___you draw a beautiful horse____me "One dayhe saked an artist ____ he ____draw him a beautiful horse


Once upon a time there lived a king.He loved horses你能在保持句意不变的前提
1、Once a time,there lived a king.Heloved horses.
_____ ____ ____,there ___a King.He ___horses very much
2、One day he asked an artist to draw him a beautiful horse.
One day he _____ an artist to draw a beautiful horse ____him.
One day he saked an artist ”___you draw a beautiful horse____me "
One dayhe saked an artist ____ he ____draw him a beautiful horse

1.long long ago , lived, love
2.wanted, for
3.could , for
4.if ,could

at one time,was  liked
asked    for
could  for
if could