请根据下面的提示,以My favorite day为题,写一篇60词左右的短文(请用初一的知识来写1.你叫Mike,星期天是你最爱的一天,因为那天不用上学.2.你可以去游泳俱乐部游泳,还可以和你的好朋友Nick玩.3.介绍好朋友Nick:它是一只白色的小狗.


请根据下面的提示,以My favorite day为题,写一篇60词左右的短文(请用初一的知识来写

Hello! My favorite day is Friday. Do you know why? We have history and science lesson on Friday morning. There are my favorite subjects. Because is interesting. I also like other two lessons in the morning. They are English and math .In the afternoon we usually have three classes. There music, P.E. and Chinese. But I don’t like Chinese. Because is Chinese teacher is strict very much. But I can go home earlier.

My name is Mike.Do you know what day is my favorate day?Sunday!Because I do not need to go to school.I can go to swimming club .I am very happy.I can also play with Nick .He is my good friend.He is my pet.He is a white dog.Do you like him?

My name is Mike. My favorite day is Sunday because I don’t go to school on Sunday. I can go swimming in the swimming club and I'm very good at it. I have a little white dog. Its name is Nick. Nick is my best friends. I like to play with it. That’s my favorite day.

My favorite day is Friday. Do you know why? We have history and science lesson on Friday morning. There are my favorite subjects. Because is interesting. I also like other two lessons in the morning. They are English and math .In the afternoon we usually have three classes. There music, P.E. and Chinese. But I don’t like Chinese. Because is Chinese teacher is strict very much. But I can go home earlier.

My name is Mike.My favourite day is Sunday because I don't need to go to school on that day.Swimming is one of my hobbies,so I will go to swimming club for a swim.I have a good friend named Nick,it's ...

Hello Nick: I am Mike.I am a sunshin boy and I have a lot of interest to tell you my friend.Sunday is my forvourite day ,because in that day I could stay with my pet Nick and play with it ,also we can go to the swimming club and swim togerther.Almost forget Nick is my forverite little white dog看着给分