They were having a meeting in the lecture hall when the door__open.A.forced B.burst C.broke D.tore请问这题该怎么写?说一下四个词的用法吧..


They were having a meeting in the lecture hall when the door__open.A.forced B.burst C.broke D.tore


这里有个搭配,就是sb be dong sth when sb。。。这里when 表示的是一种语气可能是惊讶(一般都是坏的事情)意思时:当某人在干什么时。。突然发生。。 根据这个意境故只有burst 符合表示 突然门突然被打开或者严重点是踹开。谢谢采纳 望给个好评。本来擅长语法,希望可以帮助你

这题应该先B,burst.forced:obtained or imposed by coercion or physical power,表示有外力将门推开,强调在外力下被推开.burst:break open or apart suddenly and violently, especially as a result of an impact o...