初二英语,连词成句or句子翻译.1.Who saddest ishearing the result of after the exam in the your class2.our heroes us to learn headmaster asked from those3.it's survive for wild animals to difficult in the wild4.feel the of the morning and you beauty will love this new day5.He often to do work for protect helps the some club to the wildlife.1.她的视力很差因为夜间操作电脑太多.2.谢谢你倾听我的建议.3英语是最重要的语言之一.4如果他身体好的话,他会是跑的最快的.5我的老师鼓励我们要努力学习英语.


1.Who saddest ishearing the result of after the exam in the your class
2.our heroes us to learn headmaster asked from those
3.it's survive for wild animals to difficult in the wild
4.feel the of the morning and you beauty will love this new day
5.He often to do work for protect helps the some club to the wildlife

1.Who is the saddest after hearing of the result of the exam in your class?
2.Our headmaster asked us to learn from those heroes.
3.It's difficult to survive for animals in the wild.
4.You will feel the beauty of the morning and love this new day.
5.He often helps to do some work to protect the wildlife for the club.
1.He has a bad sight because he does a lot of operations on computer.
2.Thank you for listening to my suggest.
3.English is the most important languages in the world.
4.He will run the fastest if he is well.
5.Our teacher encourage us to learn English hard.