I noticed this week that the flowers are in full bloom all over the street along the PIE expressway and some of the mango trees are full of fruit and yet,I doubt many of us noticed.We have just been too caught up with the things that are urgent rather than the things that are important.imagine yourself at your own funeral.When we look back at our lives,how many of us are going to be pleased at how uptight we were.Almost universally,on our deathbed,peo


I noticed this week that the flowers are in full bloom all over the street along the PIE expressway and some of the mango trees are full of fruit and yet,I doubt many of us noticed.We have just been too caught up with the things that are urgent rather than the things that are important.
imagine yourself at your own funeral.When we look back at our lives,how many of us are going to be pleased at how uptight we were.Almost universally,on our deathbed,people wished that their priorities had been quite different.They wished they had spent more time with the people and activities that they truly loved and less time worrying about aspects of life that really didn’t matter all that much.
So,think of yourself at the end of your life.What kind of person do you want others to say you were.Remind yourself right now,of the kind of person you want to be and the priorities that are most important to you.
In truth,none of us has any idea how long we have to live.We act as if we’re going to live forever.We postpone the things that,deep down,we know we want to do – telling the people we love how much we care,spending time alone,visiting a good friend,running a marathon,writing that heartfelt letter,becoming a better listener,and so on.We come up with many reasons to justify our actions and end up spending most of our time and energy doing things that aren’t all that important.
Remind yourself:life is precious.Treasure yourself.
